Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Boys Names For Muslim

In a world filled with timeless traditions, finding a unique and meaningful name for your baby boy can be a delightful challenge. Explore our carefully curated list of the top 99 uncommon Muslim baby Boys names that blend tradition with a touch of uniqueness.

Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Boys Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Hindi)
1 Aarav Boy Sanskrit Hindu ah-rav Uncommon Peaceful, Calm शांत, शांतिपूर्ण
2 Bhuvan Boy Sanskrit Hindu bhoo-van Uncommon Earth, World पृथ्वी, संसार
3 Chaitanya Boy Sanskrit Hindu chai-tan-ya Uncommon Consciousness चैतन्य, चेतना
4 Divit Boy Sanskrit Hindu dee-vit Uncommon Immortal अमर, अमरता
5 Eshan Boy Sanskrit Hindu ee-shan Uncommon Desiring, Longing इच्छा, लालसा
6 Gagan Boy Sanskrit Hindu ga-gan Uncommon Sky, Heaven आकाश, स्वर्ग
7 Hridaan Boy Sanskrit Hindu hri-da-an Uncommon Heartfelt ह्रदय से जुड़ा
8 Ishaan Boy Sanskrit Hindu ee-shan Uncommon Sun, Lord Shiva सूरज, भगवान शिव
9 Jivan Boy Sanskrit Hindu jee-van Uncommon Life जीवन, प्राण
10 Kairav Boy Sanskrit Hindu kai-rav Uncommon White Lotus सफेद कमल

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Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
11 Fakhir Boy Arabic fah-keer Uncommon Proud, Excellent فاخر، عظیم Muslim
12 Ghazi Boy Arabic gah-zee Uncommon Warrior, Conqueror غازی، فاتح Muslim
13 Ihtisham Boy Arabic ih-ti-sham Uncommon Dignity, Honor احتشام، عزت Muslim
14 Javed Boy Persian jah-ved Uncommon Eternal, Immortal جاوید، ہمیشہ زندہ Muslim
15 Kamil Boy Arabic kah-meel Uncommon Perfect, Complete کامل، مکمل Muslim
16 Luqman Boy Arabic look-mahn Uncommon Wise, Knowledgeable لقمان، حکیم Muslim
17 Maahir Boy Arabic mah-heer Uncommon Skilled, Expert ماہر، ماہر Muslim
18 Nabeel Boy Arabic nah-beel Uncommon Noble, Generous نبیل، شریف Muslim
19 Omar Boy Arabic oh-mar Uncommon Life, Flourishing عمر، زندگی Muslim
20 Qasim Boy Arabic kah-seem Uncommon Distributor, Divider قاسم، تقسیم کرنے والا Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
21 Rameez Boy Arabic rah-meez Uncommon Symbol, Sign رمیز، نشان Muslim
22 Saad Boy Arabic saad Uncommon Felicity, Good Fortune سعد، خوشی Muslim
23 Tariq Boy Arabic tah-reek Uncommon Morning Star طارق، صبح کا ستارہ Muslim
24 Umar Boy Arabic oo-mar Uncommon Life, Flourishing عمر، زندگی Muslim
25 Vahid Boy Arabic vah-heed Uncommon Unique, One of a Kind واحد، یکتا Muslim
26 Waseem Boy Arabic wah-seem Uncommon Handsome, Graceful وسیم، خوبصورت Muslim
27 Xavian Boy Arabic zay-vee-an Uncommon Bright, Illuminated زیویان، چمکتا ہوا Muslim
28 Yasin Boy Arabic yah-seen Uncommon One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad یاسین Muslim
29 Zain Boy Arabic zayn Uncommon Grace, Beauty زین، حسینیت Muslim
30 Zohaib Boy Arabic zoh-haib Uncommon Leader, King زہیب، رہنما Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
31 Ayan Boy Arabic ah-yahn Uncommon Gift of God ایان، اللہ کا تحفہ Muslim
32 Bilal Boy Arabic bee-lahl Uncommon Water بلال، پانی Muslim
33 Danish Boy Arabic dah-neesh Uncommon Knowledge دانش، علم Muslim
34 Eshan Boy Arabic ee-shahn Uncommon Desiring, Longing ایشان، خواہش Muslim
35 Faizan Boy Arabic fay-zahn Uncommon Beneficence, Charity فیضان، فراہمی Muslim
36 Ghaffar Boy Arabic ghaf-far Uncommon Forgiving, Merciful غفار، معاف کرنے والا Muslim
37 Hamid Boy Arabic hah-meed Uncommon Praiseworthy حمید، حمد کرنے والا Muslim
38 Iqbal Boy Arabic iqb-al Uncommon Prosperity, Good Fortune اقبال، خوشی Muslim
39 Jibril Boy Arabic jee-bril Uncommon Archangel Gabriel جبرائیل، ملاک Muslim
40 Khalid Boy Arabic kah-leed Uncommon Eternal, Immortal خالد، ہمیشہ زندہ Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
41 Lutfullah Boy Arabic loof-too-lah Uncommon Kindness of Allah لطف اللہ Muslim
42 Majid Boy Arabic mah-jeed Uncommon Glorious, Noble ماجد، شاندار Muslim
43 Naim Boy Arabic nay-eem Uncommon Comfort, Ease نعیم، سکون Muslim
44 Omar Boy Arabic oh-mar Uncommon Flourishing, Life عمر، زندگی Muslim
45 Qadir Boy Arabic kah-deer Uncommon Powerful, Capable قادر، قوت والا Muslim
46 Raafat Boy Arabic rah-fat Uncommon Kindness, Compassion رافت، مہربانی Muslim
47 Saifullah Boy Arabic say-ful-lah Uncommon Sword of Allah سیف اللہ Muslim
48 Tariq Boy Arabic tah-reek Uncommon Morning Star طارق، صبح کا ستارہ Muslim
49 Uzair Boy Arabic oo-zayr Uncommon Intelligent, Wise عزیر، ہوشیار Muslim
50 Vakil Boy Arabic vah-keel Uncommon Trustee, Advocate وکیل، مختار Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
51 Wazir Boy Arabic wah-zeer Uncommon Minister, Official وزیر، حکومتی افسر Muslim
52 Xerxes Boy Persian zurk-seez Uncommon Monarch, King زرکسیس Muslim
53 Yaqoob Boy Arabic ya-kub Uncommon Supplanter یعقوب، جانی Muslim
54 Zayan Boy Arabic zay-an Uncommon Beautifier, Adorner زیان، زینت دینے والا Muslim
55 Abrar Boy Arabic ah-brar Uncommon Pious, Righteous ابرار، صالح Muslim
56 Bahram Boy Persian bah-ram Uncommon Victory, Conquest بهرام، فاتح Muslim
57 Cyrus Boy Persian sigh-rus Uncommon Throne, Sun سایرس، تخت، سورج Muslim
58 Danyal Boy Arabic dan-yahl Uncommon Prophet Daniel دانیال Muslim
59 Elyas Boy Arabic eh-lyas Uncommon Prophet Elijah الیاس، نبی ایلیا Muslim
60 Faris Boy Arabic fah-rees Uncommon Knight, Horseman فارس، سپاہی Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
61 Ghalib Boy Arabic gah-leeb Uncommon Dominant, Prevailing غالب، قائم رہنے والا Muslim
62 Hashir Boy Arabic hah-sheer Uncommon Gatherer, Assembler ہاشر، جمع کرنے والا Muslim
63 Ihsan Boy Arabic ih-sahn Uncommon Excellence, Benevolence احسان، فضل Muslim
64 Jazib Boy Arabic jah-zeeb Uncommon Attractive, Handsome جذب، خوشنما Muslim
65 Khaldun Boy Arabic khal-doon Uncommon Eternal, Immortal خلدون، ہمیشہ زندہ Muslim
66 Laith Boy Arabic layth Uncommon Lion لیث، شیر Muslim
67 Maqsood Boy Arabic maq-sood Uncommon Intended, Desired مقصود، مطلوب Muslim
68 Nizar Boy Arabic nee-zar Uncommon Distinguished, Renowned نذر، مشہور Muslim
69 Owais Boy Arabic oh-wais Uncommon Little Wolf اویس، چھوٹا بھیڑیا Muslim
70 Parvez Boy Persian par-vez Uncommon Victorious پرویز، جیتا ہوا Muslim


Top99 Best And Unique Uncommon Baby Grils Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu) Religion
71 Feroz Boy Persian feh-rohz Uncommon Successful, Victorious فیروز Muslim
72 Ghazi Boy Arabic gah-zee Uncommon Conqueror غازی Muslim
73 Hashim Boy Arabic ha-sheem Uncommon Generous ہاشم Muslim
74 Iqbal Boy Arabic ihq-bal Uncommon Prosperity, Good Fortune اقبال Muslim
75 Jaafar Boy Arabic jah-far Uncommon Rivulet, Small Stream جعفر Muslim
76 Kamil Boy Arabic kah-meel Uncommon Perfect کامل Muslim
77 Lutfi Boy Arabic loot-fee Uncommon Gracious لطفی Muslim
78 Muneer Boy Arabic moo-neer Uncommon Shining, Radiant منیر Muslim
79 Noor Boy Arabic noor Uncommon Light, Radiance نور Muslim
80 Owais Boy Arabic oh-wais Uncommon Little Wolf اویس Muslim



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