Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

In a world filled with timeless traditions, finding a unique and meaningful name for your baby girl can be a delightful challenge. Explore our carefully curated list of the top 99 cute Muslim baby girl names that blend tradition with a touch of uniqueness.

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
1 Aisha Girl Arabic Muslim ai-sha Unique Alive, Living عائشہ – زندگی، زندہ
2 Layla Girl Arabic Muslim lay-la Unique Night, Dark Beauty لیلا – رات، گہری خوبصورتی
3 Zainab Girl Arabic Muslim zai-nab Unique Fragrant Flower زینب – خوشبودار پھول
4 Samira Girl Arabic Muslim sa-mi-ra Unique Entertaining Companion سمیرا – خوشی بخش رفیق
5 Naima Girl Arabic Muslim nai-ma Unique Tranquil, Blissful نعیمہ – سکون، خوشی
6 Mariam Girl Arabic Muslim ma-ri-am Unique Beloved, Purity مریم – محبوبہ، پاکیزگی
7 Yasmin Girl Persian Muslim yas-min Unique Jasmine Flower یاسمین – چمبیلی کا پھول
8 Iman Girl Arabic Muslim i-man Unique Faith, Belief ایمان – ایمان، یقین
9 Hana Girl Arabic Muslim ha-na Unique Happiness, Bliss ہنا – خوشی، سکون

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
10 Farida Girl Arabic Muslim fa-ri-da Unique Unique, Precious فریدہ – بے مثل، قیمتی
11 Sabrina Girl Persian Muslim sa-bri-na Unique Princess, White Rose صابرینا – شہزادی، سفید گل
12 Leila Girl Arabic Muslim lay-la Unique Dark Beauty, Night لیلا – گہری خوبصورتی، رات
13 Aminah Girl Arabic Muslim a-mi-nah Unique Trustworthy, Loyal امینہ – امانتدار، وفادار
14 Parisa Girl Persian Muslim pa-ri-sa Unique Angelic Face, Like a Fairy پاریسا – ملکہ چہرہ، پری کی طرح
15 Lina Girl Arabic Muslim li-na Unique Tender, Delicate لینا – نرم، لطیف
16 Nasrin Girl Persian Muslim nas-rin Unique Wild Rose, Jolly نسرین – جنسنین، خوش
17 Rahimah Girl Arabic Muslim ra-hi-mah Unique Compassionate, Merciful رحیمہ – رحم کرنے والی، مہربان
18 Shireen Girl Persian Muslim shi-reen Unique Sweet, Pleasant شیرین – میٹھی، خوشبوئیں بخشنے والی
19 Manizheh Girl Persian Muslim ma-ni-zeh Unique Precious, Gem منیژہ – قیمتی، گوہر

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
20 Zahra Girl Arabic Muslim za-hra Unique Radiant, Blossoming Flower زہرا – روشن، خوبصورت پھول
21 Roya Girl Persian Muslim ro-ya Unique Dream, Vision رویا – خواب، خوابنمائی
22 Nadia Girl Arabic Muslim na-di-a Unique Caller, Announcer نادیہ – بلند، اطلاع دینے والی
23 Shabnam Girl Persian Muslim shab-nam Unique Dew, Night Dew شبنم – رات کا پانی، رات کا سنگ
24 Ibtihaj Girl Arabic Muslim ib-ti-haj Unique Joy, Happiness ابتہاج – خوشی، خوشی
25 Farahnaz Girl Persian Muslim fa-ra-naaz Unique Splendid, Captivating فرحناز – شاندار، دلکش
26 Rukhsar Girl Arabic Muslim rukh-sar Unique Cheek, Face Veil رخسار – گال، چہرے کا نقاب
27 Parinaz Girl Persian Muslim pa-ri-naz Unique Fairy-like, Beautiful پریناز – پری کی طرح، خوبصورت
28 Jameela Girl Arabic Muslim ja-mee-la Unique Beautiful, Graceful جمیلہ – خوبصورت، حسین
29 Yasira Girl Arabic Muslim ya-si-ra Unique Rich, Wealthy یسرا – دولتمند، مالدار

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
30 Zainab Girl Arabic Muslim za-i-nab Unique Fragrant Flower, Daughter of the Prophet زینب – خوشبو دار پھول، پیغمبر کی بیٹی
31 Marjan Girl Persian Muslim mar-jan Unique Coral مرجان – مرجان، مرجانی
32 Fatimah Girl Arabic Muslim fa-ti-mah Unique Captivating, Daughter of the Prophet فاطمہ – متاثر کن، پیغمبر کی بیٹی
33 Parand Girl Persian Muslim pa-rand Unique Beautiful Feathers, Wings پرند – خوبصورت پر، پنکھا
34 Ayesha Girl Arabic Muslim ay-e-sha Unique Alive, Daughter of the Prophet عائشہ – زندہ، پیغمبر کی بیٹی
35 Niloofar Girl Persian Muslim ni-loo-far Unique Lotus نیلوفر – کمل، کنول
36 Sultana Girl Arabic Muslim sul-ta-na Unique Queen, Empress سلطانہ – ملکہ، شہزادی
37 Shahrzad Girl Persian Muslim shahr-zad Unique City-born, Inhabitant شہرزاد – شہر میں پیدا ہونے والی، رہائشی
38 Amira Girl Arabic Muslim a-mi-ra Unique Princess امیرہ – شہزادی
39 Parisa Girl Persian Muslim pa-ri-sa Unique Angelic Face, Like a Fairy پاریسا – ملکہ چہرہ، پری کی طرح

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
40 Salma Girl Arabic Muslim sal-ma Unique Safe, Peaceful سلمى – محفوظ، امن
41 Darya Girl Persian Muslim dar-ya Unique Sea, Ocean دریا – سمندر، بحر
42 Noor Girl Arabic Muslim noor Unique Light, Radiance نور – روشنی، چمک
43 Soraya Girl Persian Muslim so-ra-ya Unique Jewel, Princess ثریا – گہرا، شہزادی
44 Rania Girl Arabic Muslim ra-ni-a Unique Queenly, Gazing رانیہ – ملکہ، توجہ
45 Yasmin Girl Persian Muslim yas-min Unique Jasmine Flower یاسمین – چمیلی، چمکیلی گل
46 Latifah Girl Arabic Muslim la-ti-fa Unique Gentle, Kind لطیفہ – نرم، شفیق
47 Parivash Girl Persian Muslim pa-ri-vash Unique Fairy-like, Beautiful پریوش – پری کی طرح، خوبصورت
48 Hana Girl Arabic Muslim ha-na Unique Happiness, Bliss ہنا – خوشی، خوشی
49 Armina Girl Persian Muslim ar-mi-na Unique Noble, Princess آرمینا – عظیم، شہزادی

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
50 Amina Girl Arabic Muslim a-mi-na Unique Trustworthy, Honest آمینہ – ایماندار، ایماندار
51 Samira Girl Persian Muslim sa-mi-ra Unique Enchanting, Pleasant سمیرا – محسور، خوشگوار
52 Leila Girl Arabic Muslim lay-la Unique Night لیلا – رات، شب
53 Shabnam Girl Persian Muslim shab-nam Unique Night Dew شبنم – شب کا تل، رات کا کوہر
54 Nida Girl Arabic Muslim ni-da Unique Call, Voice ندا – پکار، آواز
55 Fariba Girl Persian Muslim fa-ri-ba Unique Charming فریبا – دلفریب، خوشنما
56 Nadia Girl Arabic Muslim na-di-a Unique Caller, Announcer نادیہ – اذان دینے والی، خبر دینے والی
57 Mehr Girl Persian Muslim mehr Unique Love, Kindness مہر – محبت، مہربانی
58 Naima Girl Arabic Muslim na-i-ma Unique Tranquil, Contented نعیمہ – پر سکون، خوشی بخش
59 Anahita Girl Persian Muslim a-na-hi-ta Unique Graceful, Pure آناہیتا – شرافتمند، پاکیزہ

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
60 Aisha Girl Arabic Muslim ai-sha Unique Alive, Living عائشہ – زندہ، حیات رکھنے والی
61 Fereshteh Girl Persian Muslim fe-reshteh Unique Angel فرشتہ – فرشتہ، ملکہ
62 Huda Girl Arabic Muslim hu-da Unique Guidance ہدا – ہدایت، راہنمائی
63 Zari Girl Persian Muslim za-ri Unique Golden زری – سونے کی طرح چمکنے والی
64 Iman Girl Arabic Muslim i-man Unique Faith, Belief ایمان – ایمان، یقین
65 Parisa Girl Persian Muslim pa-ri-sa Unique Like a Fairy پریسا – پری کی طرح، فرشتہ جیسی
66 Rasha Girl Arabic Muslim ra-sha Unique Gazelle راشا – ہرن، خوبصورت دمبالہ
67 Shireen Girl Persian Muslim shi-reen Unique Sweet شیرین – میٹھی، خوشبوئیں بھری
68 Lamia Girl Arabic Muslim la-mi-a Unique Shining, Radiant لمیا – چمکتی ہوئی، روشن
69 Tara Girl Persian Muslim ta-ra Unique Star تارا – ستارہ

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
70 Layla Girl Arabic Muslim lay-la Unique Night لیلا – رات، شب
71 Yasmin Girl Persian Muslim yas-min Unique Jasmine Flower یاسمین – چمکتی ہوئی چنبیلی کا پھول
72 Noor Girl Arabic Muslim noor Unique Light نور – روشنی، روشنی
73 Marjan Girl Persian Muslim mar-jan Unique Coral مرجان – مرجان، مرجان جیسی لعل
74 Safa Girl Arabic Muslim sa-fa Unique Pure, Serenity صفا – پاکیزہ، امن
75 Parvin Girl Persian Muslim par-vin Unique Pleiades, Cluster of Stars پروین – ستاروں کا ہم آہنگ جھومر، آسمان کی چٹیلے
76 Dina Girl Arabic Muslim di-na Unique Love, Affection دینا – محبت، محبت
77 Soraya Girl Persian Muslim so-ra-ya Unique Gem, Jewel سوریا – گہرا، موتیے جیسا
78 Rania Girl Arabic Muslim ra-ni-a Unique Gazing رانیہ – تھم کر دیکھتی ہوئی، گہری نظر
79 Maral Girl Persian Muslim ma-ral Unique Deer مارال – ہرن، خوبصورت ہرن

Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim

Serial No. Name Gender Origin Religion Pronunciation Trend Category Meaning Meaning (Urdu)
80 Zainab Girl Arabic Muslim za-i-nab Unique Beautiful, Graceful زینب – خوبصورت، گریسفل
81 Shabnam Girl Persian Muslim shab-nam Unique Morning Dew شبنم – صبح کا رس، صبح کی تر
82 Khalida Girl Arabic Muslim kha-li-da Unique Immortal, Eternal خالدہ – ہمیشہ زندہ، ہمیشہ باقی رہنے والی
83 Farida Girl Persian Muslim fa-ri-da Unique Unique, Precious فریدہ – یکتا، قیمتی
84 Amina Girl Arabic Muslim a-mi-na Unique Trustworthy, Faithful آمنہ – ایماندار، ایماندار
85 Mehr Girl Persian Muslim mehr Unique Affection, Love مہر – محبت، عشق
86 Naima Girl Arabic Muslim nai-ma Unique Tranquil, Comfort نعیمہ – پرسکون، ارام
87 Yasmina Girl Persian Muslim yas-mi-na Unique Jasmine Flower یاسمینا – چمکتا ہوا چنبیلی کا پھول
88 Nadia Girl Arabic Muslim na-di-a Unique Caller, Announcer نادیہ – بلند آواز، اطلاع دینے والی
89 Simin Girl Persian Muslim si-min Unique Silvery سیمین – چاندنی، چاندنی کی طرح


Top99 Best And Unique Baby Girl Names For Muslim


Q1: Can you recommend some distinct as well as significant child lady names for Muslims?

A1: Absolutely! Selecting an one-of-a-kind name for your child lady is a unique endeavor. Think about names like Aiza (noble), Inara (radiating light), Zara (little princess) or Rania (queen) each with its very own unique beauty together with significance.

Q2: How do I discover a name that is both distinct and also brings an attractive definition in Islamic practice?

A2: It’s a fantastic trip! Study the significances of names rooted in Islamic background. Names like Aisha (to life), Noor (light), Layla (evening), or Selma (secure as well as noise) are not just distinct however likewise abundant in favorable undertones.

Q3: Can you suggest names that have a contemporary touch yet still recognize Islamic worths for my child lady?

A3: Of training course! Stabilizing modernity as well as custom is crucial. Take into consideration names like Amara (timeless) Aaliyah (exalted), Sara (pure), or Hana (joy) for a modern yet socially rooted selection.

Q4: Are there names that are very easy to articulate for individuals from varied etymological histories yet still have a Muslim identification?

A4: Absolutely! Names like Amina, Farah, Maya, or Leila are not just simple to articulate however likewise have a global allure while keeping their Muslim identification.

Q5: How can I guarantee my infant woman’s name is distinct without being also unconventional within the Muslim neighborhood?

A5: It’s a great equilibrium! Take into consideration names like Zainab Yasmin, Amira, or Lina– they are unique while having a acquainted fondness within the Muslim area.

Q6: Can you recommend names influenced by nature or favorable high qualities for my child lady?

A6: Nature-inspired names like Ayla (moonlight) Nadia (hope) Yasmina (jasmine) or Shireen (pleasant) bring a feeling of appeal plus positivity making them special as well as captivating options.

Q7: What factors to consider should I remember when selecting a special name for my Muslim infant woman?

A7: Ensure the name has a favorable definition, lines up with Islamic worths, and also is very easy to verbalize. Looking for true blessings from household as well as senior citizens is likewise a charming custom to integrate right into the naming procedure.

Q8: How can I mix social heritage with a distinct name for my Muslim child woman?

A8: Great idea! Explore names that have historic relevance within your social heritage. Names like Fatima, Ayesha, Leila, or Mariam perfectly mix social wide range with individuality.

Q9: Can you suggest names that represent toughness as well as elegance for my infant lady?

A9: Certainly! Names like Amina (trustworthy), Zara (little princess), Iman (confidence) or Sana (glow) personify stamina as well as elegance making them effective and also sophisticated options.

Q10: How can I make certain my child woman’s name is well-received within the Muslim neighborhood?

A10: While originality is terrific it’s likewise beneficial to think about social variants within the Muslim area. Look for guidance from friends and family plus make sure the name lines up with social standards and also etymological subtleties within your neighborhood.

Q11: Just how can I integrate both contemporary patterns and also Islamic practice in selecting a name for my child woman?

A11: It’s a wonderful equilibrium! Take into consideration names that have a modern style yet still hang on to Islamic worths. Names like Aaliyah, Aisha, Zaynab, or Layla strike that excellent harmony in between modernity as well as practice.

Q12: Can you recommend names that have an ageless top quality, appropriate for any type of period, however are still one-of-a-kind?

A12: Certainly! Classic names like Maryam, Khadija, Sofia or Amina not just have sustaining appeal however likewise continue to be continually traditional providing a feeling of custom and also poise that goes beyond ages.

Q13: How do I guarantee my infant lady’s name is not excessively typical yet still reverberates well with others in the Muslim area?

A13: Strike an equilibrium by choosing names like Fatima, Aisha, Amara, or Zainab. They have an one-of-a-kind beauty while still being commonly identified plus valued within the Muslim area.

Q14: Are there names with a music or poetic top quality that still abide by Islamic worths?

A14: Absolutely! Take into consideration names like Layla, Aya, Zara, or Leila– they lug a harmonic plus poetic significance, including a touch of elegance while staying real to Islamic worths.

Q15: How can I make certain my child lady’s name has a favorable effect on her life coupled with personality growth?

A15: Choose a name that symbolizes merits you want to impart in your kid. Names like Salma (risk-free), Hadiya (overview) or Zahra (blossom) lug favorable definitions that can form your infant woman’s personality favorably as she expands.

Q16: Can you advise names that are very easy to couple with center names or surnames?

A16: Certainly! Names like Amina, Sara, Maya or Zayn are functional along with pair well with a range of center as well as last names, permitting you to produce a unified as well as sophisticated mix.

Q17: What duty do the definitions of names play in Islamic practice, as well as exactly how can I pick one with a considerable significance?

A17: In Islam names are thought about significant in forming an individual’s personality. Look into name significances plus choose names that lug favorable undertones, straightening with the merits you yearn for your infant lady.

Q18: Can you recommend names motivated by historical Muslim females that have made substantial payments?

A18: Absolutely! Names like Khadija, Aisha, Fatima, or Maryam pay homage to historic Muslim ladies with remarkable payments making them not simply names yet signs of toughness as well as strength.

Q19: How can I entail member of the family in the calling procedure in a significant method?

A19: Share your ideas, pay attention to their tips as well as think about names that hold importance for your household. Including them develops a common experience, making the calling procedure a valued household memory.

Q20: How can I make the naming procedure a cheerful plus unforgettable experience for my household?

A20: Organize a naming event, share the significances coupled with tales behind your selected names as well as commemorate this big day with your liked ones. Making it a cheerful occasion includes heat and also indicating to the naming procedure.

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